
Stefan Lipson’s Current Setup

1 TrapKat Pad controller (24 pads)
2 JamKat hand drum controllers (12 pads per JamKat) (alternate mode)
1 Apple MacBook Pro, OSX 10.8.5 8Gb RAM
M-Audio 1×1 Uno MIDI Interface
KaleidoPro (published by PGMusic)
MainStage 3.0 (published by Apple, Inc.)
Sound Libraries
Logic Pro Libraries (Apple, Inc.)

Special thanks to Peter Gannon and Andrew Peckover at PGMusic for taking on Kaleido and to my comrades Alex Ustinov and Sergey Galin at Virartech for their technical skills, determination, and good humor. A huge thanks to David S.Mash at Berklee College of Music for his invaluable assistance –and patience — in educating me in all things digital Thanks as well to Mario DeCiutiis at Alternate Mode for all of his support and for making such great products.

Thanks to Harvey Mason, Dayna Stephens, Eric Harland, Lenny White, Dr. Lonnie Smith, Tupac Mantilla, Swiss Chris, JC Maillard, Cliff Martinez, and to keyboardist/producer extraordinaire Luis Resto for his insight and suggestions.

Thanks to Junior Hansen Jr. and Michael Hauser: many thanks for your invaluable Web and Keynote design assistance (and support) and for your marketing expertise.

Special thanks to Steve Shepard for great support and great advice. A special nod Mainstage Wizard Bruce Nazarian, Andrew Eisner, and Kevin O’Connell.